Dr. David Cohen, ND, PhD, MH, CNC:
What's his secret?
Great question... ... and the answers are simple:
Dr. Cohen has a broad variety of advanced technology-based devices, all of which have high, if not total, success rates, which is why he has never in all these years made any specific claims about them beyond their ability to provide support for the body's own built-in immune functions of defense. He has proat applying up to a dozen different types of naturopathic (natural) therapies, added to his encyclopedic knowledge of nutrients, creates a synergistic natural support to help each individual heal from within... naturally. He does not diagnose your symptoms. He looks to the CAUSE of the symptom, to help you to help yourself, to heal yourself, naturally.
Using the Bodyscan2010, OndaMed, and other biofeedback devices, which measures your precise sensitivities to some 16,000 substances, toxins, molds, bacteria, fungi, and more, a qualified technician like Dr. Cohen can immediately determine what parts/organs in your body are off-balance.
Instead of using one natural remedy or medicine that is known to be effective for a particular health challenge, Dr. Cohen has made a great habit of using several, simultaneously. The total effect of this is defined as synergy, and his success rate is far higher than any medical doctor in America NOT using Dr. Cohen's approach. Let's be clear on this: no medical doctor in America comes close to Dr. Cohen's success rate in helping people to help themselves. Numbers always tell the best tale of the tape. The basic idea is that those who care enough about their own health to to commit themselves to action are fairly well assured of getting better results than they've gotten up until now with drugs and surgery and invasive procedures and too many appointments for a single health challenge.
This approach has proven to be inarguably worthwhile, perhaps the healthiest approach to disease and disorder, because the proof is in the pudding, by way of such a high rate of success. In sum, Dr. David Cohen refuses to build financial wealth on the pain and suffering of other humans. That's a disease unto itself, isn't it? In Dr. Cohen's own words, "Learn more, to live more"
With knowledge in your pocket, you CAN regain your natural state of healthy balance;
you CAN live younger longer, live healthier and happier!
Treating symptoms only is the single most stupid mistake made by M.D.s
Treating symptoms does NOTHING to heal the body, it only hides symptoms.
Symptoms are your body's alarm system for telling you something's wrong.
When you address your own underlying causes for your symptoms,
you more than triple the probability of fixing your problem,
of regaining your natural balance of health.
Any human who develops wealth from the sickness of others is sick themselves.
Come to a doctor, a naturopathic doctor, who cares more for you than for money.
Health Tip Of The Week:
If you suffer constipation, there are many fast, powerful natural answers!
- You must drink more water
- Eat celery or lettuce several times per day - make sure you wash it first!
- NEVER, EVER use laxatives - they weaken the muscles involved in elimination & do damage
- SEVEN DAYS - no meat or chicken. Big difference. Good elimination is not random luck!
- Prunes are just one fruit. Be nice to yourself - ten days of fresh fruits, especially watermelon